ClassCastException error during OIM-
Siebel Provisioning/Reconciliation
Problem Description
OIM connector for Siebel was apparently installed successfully. But, provisioning to the Siebel resource did not go through. A careful inspection of logs reveals the notorious “ClassCastException”.
Environment: OIM 11g (PS1), Siebel 8.1.1, Oracle DB, Siebel User Management Release 11.1.1, Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.6 (64 bit), WLS 10.3.5
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError cannot be cast to org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.ConnectorObject
Other variants:
This problem occurs if the required third party JARs (as noted in the connector documentation) were not successfully bundled within the connector during connector installation.
The documentation instructs one to copy siebel.jar and siebelji_enu.jar from SIEBEL_INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY/siebsrvr/CLASSES directory location and place in OIM_HOME/ConnectorDefaultDirectory/targetsystems-lib/siebel-RELEASE_NUMBER. But the downloaded third party jars size showed ridiculous 133KB (where healthy Siebel.jar ->1,295KB, SiebelJI_enu.jar -> 42KB).
1. $OIM_HOME/server/bin/
[Enter Xellerate admin username :]xelsysadm
[Enter the admin password :]
[Enter serverURL :[ t3://localhost:7001 ]]t3://localhost:14000
[Enter context Factory :[ weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory ]]
Enter the jar type
4 <——————————— Choose 4 for SiebelConnectorBundle here
Enter the full path of the download directory :
Enter the name of jar file to be downloaded from DB :
org.identityconnectors.siebel-1.0.1.jar <—————– The name of the SiebelApps bundle
Do u want to download more jars [y/n] :n
Download jar executed successfully
[Enter the admin password :]
[Enter serverURL :[ t3://localhost:7001 ]]t3://localhost:14000
[Enter context Factory :[ weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory ]]
Enter the jar type
4 <——————————— Choose 4 for SiebelConnectorBundle here
Enter the full path of the download directory :
Enter the name of jar file to be downloaded from DB :
org.identityconnectors.siebel-1.0.1.jar <—————– The name of the SiebelApps bundle
Do u want to download more jars [y/n] :n
Download jar executed successfully
2. Create a new Directory and name it Siebel_Jar. Unzip the downloaded org.identityconnectors.siebel-1.0.1.jar file into Siebel_Jar and check for the four required third-party JAR files which will not be present.
Your Directory Should look like :
1. In the directory where the downloaded org.identityconnectors.siebel-1.0.1.jar was unzipped (ie. so you’re in the structure of the archive itself) create a sub-directory within this called: lib
2. Copy the Two External Jars i.e. (Siebel.jar and SiebelJI_enu.jar) required Siebel third-party JAR files into this new lib directory.
3. Move org.identityconnectors.siebel-1.0.1.jar file from this directory to another directory. Re-jar the files which now contain the third-party files in the new lib directory (the following command assumes you’re in the same directory(Siebel_Jar) where the original jar was unzipped in to and you’ve moved the original JAR file from this directory so it doesn’t end up in the new archive):
Now Your Directory should look like:
Now Run the command below.
jar cvfm org.identityconnectors.siebel-1.0.1.jar META-INF/MANIFEST.MF *
(note the use of the existing MANIFEST.MF file as OIM will check for this)
4. Upload this new updated JAR file back into the database:
[Enter Xellerate admin username :]
[Enter Xellerate admin username :]xelsysadm
[Enter the admin password :]
[Enter serverURL :[ t3://localhost:7001 ]]t3://localhost:14000
[Enter context Factory :[ weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory ]]
Enter the jar type
4 <———————— again choose option 4 here for the SiebelConnectorBundle
Enter the path/location of jar file :
/tmp/jars/ org.identityconnectors.siebel-1.0.1.jar <—————– The name of the SiebelApps bundle
Do u want to load more jars [y/n] :n
Upload jar executed successfully
[Enter Xellerate admin username :]xelsysadm
[Enter the admin password :]
[Enter serverURL :[ t3://localhost:7001 ]]t3://localhost:14000
[Enter context Factory :[ weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory ]]
Enter the jar type
4 <———————— again choose option 4 here for the SiebelConnectorBundle
Enter the path/location of jar file :
/tmp/jars/ org.identityconnectors.siebel-1.0.1.jar <—————– The name of the SiebelApps bundle
Do u want to load more jars [y/n] :n
Upload jar executed successfully
5. Restart OIM and retest provisioning and monitor logs.