
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Logging, Auditing, and Monitoring the Directory, Enable Audit Logging in OID 11g, Audit Logs in OID, Configure OID Audit Logs, OID logs, Auditting in OID 11g

Logging, Auditing, and Monitoring the Directory

Managing and Enabling Audit Logging in OID 11g

In Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Release 1 (11.1.1), auditing provides a measure of
accountability and answers the "who has done what and when" types of questions.


  • OID 11g is installed in Environment.
  • OID instances must be Up and Running.
  • OID managed Servers must be Up and Running.
Here are the Steps, that an individual should follow to Enable Audit Logs in OID 11g:

  1. Checking the Configurations. 
  2. Checking the output file.
  3. Preparing LDIF file.
  4. Enabling the Audit Logging using Command Prompt.
  5. Re-Checking the Configurations. 
  6. Testing Audit Logging.
1. Checking the Configurations 

This step will help us to check the configuration of OID instance whether OID Audit Logging is Enabled or not .

Run the below Command in Command Prompt(Windows) or Terminal(Linux) where OID instance is installed.

Note: To run this command you may have to set the Environment Variables based on your server configurations. Normally In Windows we dont have to set the environment variables to run the below command.

ldapsearch -p <oid_port> -h <hostname> -D <username> -q \ -b "cn=oid2,cn=osdldapd,cn=subconfigsubentry" \ -s base "objectclass=*" > <filepath>


In Windows:
ldapsearch -p 3060 -h localhost -D cn=orcladmin -q \ -b "cn=oid2,cn=osdldapd,cn=subconfigsubentry" \ -s base "objectclass=*" > C:\Oracle\Middleware\c5.txt

Provide  Password and Hit Enter

In Linux:
ldapsearch -p 3060 -h localhost -D cn=orcladmin -q \ -b "cn=oid2,cn=osdldapd,cn=subconfigsubentry" \ -s base "objectclass=*" > /u01/app/Oracle\Middleware\c5.txt

Provide  Password and Hit Enter

2. Checking the output File.

Open file c5.txt  from the location 



Search for the ObjectClass "orclaudcustevents" and check the value Against this ObjectClass. If the value is blank then the configuration is not enabled for Audit Logging and we have to Enable logging which is given in next step.

3.Preparing LDIF file:

We will set the "orclaudcustevents" value using LDIF file.

Open any text editor and enter the values below:

dn: cn=oid2,cn=osdldapd,cn=subconfigsubentry
changetype: modify
replace: orclaudFilterPreset
orclaudFilterPreset: Custom
replace: orclaudcustevents
orclaudcustevents: UserLogin 

Save this file as LDIF file (for e.g. : aud.ldif)

Here OID2 is the component name, check the instance home for your component name and  UserLogin is the event for which we are enabling the Audit Logs. There are different types of events for which you can enable Audit Logging simultaneously. Some events are listed below which can be used with UserLogin.

UserLogin.FAILURESONLY, UserLogout, CheckAuthorization,
ModifyDataItemAttributes, CompareDataItemAttributes, ChangePassword.FAILURESONLY

4.Enabling the Audit Logs using Command Prompt.

LDAP Modify command is used  to Enable the Audit Logs and modify the value of orclaudcustevents

Run the command below:


ldapmodify -D <username> -q -p <port> -h <hostname> -f <filelocation>


ldapmodify -D cn=orcladmin -q -p 3060 -h localhost -f C:\Oracle\Middleware\aud.ldif

Enter Password when prompted:

5. Re-Checking the Configurations:

Rerun the LDAP Search command to check new Configurations.

Do the steps 1 and 2 from above. This time in Step 2 the output must show the below result:

6. Testing Audit Logging:

Open the ODSM page in browser using the URL below: 


In my case http://localhost:7005/odsm

Try to Log-in using any User say cn=orcladmin with Correct password:

If user logs in correctly, log out and re-log-in with different user say cn=testuser and with Incorrect Password this time.

Now we will see the Audit Logs whether Our UserLogin Events are captured or not:

Open Location 


In my case : C:\Oracle\Middleware\asinstance1\auditlogs\OID\oid2\

and open the latest audit log file 

for e.g: file with name audit_pid3924.txt

You must receive the logs with events captured for UserLogin as below example. Click the image below to see results:

The Other way to check the Audit Logging in OID is, using EM console :


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

UDF in OIM 11g R2, User Defined Fields in OIM 11g R2, Custom Attributes in OIM 11g R2

UDF(User Defined Fields) or Custom Attributes in Oracle Identity Management (OIM 11g R2)








To create a custom attribute or UDF Log in to Oracle Identity System Administration using
http://localhost:14000/sysadmin and change hostname and port no. accordingly.
Type username and password of admin.

Create and activate a sandbox. Click on Sandboxes on upper right corner.

Click on Create Sandbox.

Give a name to your sandbox and click Save and Close.

Click on Form Designer in the left pane under Configuration header.

Search for the form of User Type and click User.

Click on Create icon under Custom Panel

Select Field Type as Text and click OK.

After Clicking OK button you will receive a custom attribute wizard .

Fill up fields as shown below and Click Save and Close to Save.

Now goto Manage Sandboxes tab , Select the activated sandboxes and Click Publish Sandbox to

Commit the changes done so far.
So far we have registered the new attribute in User Form.


Login to OIM Self service Console using http://localhost:14000/oim and change hostname and port no.

Enter the admin username and password.

Click on the Sandboxes to create a new Sandbox

Click on the Create Sandbox, enter following details then save and close the wizard.

Click Users under Administration in left pane.

Click Create to open User Creation Form.

Fill the mandatory fields to avoid some validation exceptions.

Click on the Customize link situated at above right corner to customize the user form.

Click on the View and select Source to edit ADF code.

Select basic Information Area of User form to add attribute there by using your mouse pointer.

After selecting the area a confirmation window appears, Click Edit and confirm.

Now click Add Content button. Scroll, search, and click Data Component - Manage Users Link.

Scroll Down and search for UserVO1 Component. Click it.

After clicking a new wizard will get appear , scroll deep down and search for Major_Skill text box

Click on the add button on left and select ADF Input Text W/ Lable. You can observer that
a new Field is automatically appears in User Form in Basic Information Area. Close Wizard.

Select the new attribute in ADF editor and click edit

Check on the Auto Submit and click ok.

Close the Customize window.


In Create User Form just fill with some information and submit


Check User in Database and find the new attribute (column) USR_UDF_MAJOR_SKILL

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

ObAccessClient.lst does not contain a client id - ACCESS_GATE FATAL 0x00001824


Problem Description :

When A new Webgate agent is registered with OAM, sometimes due to some mis-configuration it the OHS servers throws some common exception. Today I got a very uncommon exception in OHS - Webgate - OAM configuration. Below is the stack trace came in :
Message from syslogd@ at Wed Oct 16 10:19:05 2013 ...
mmvhsgbobis001a Oblix: 2013/10/16@10:19:05.07603      
3716    3765    ACCESS_GATE     FATAL   0x00001520    
"Exception thrown during WebGate initialization"

Message from syslogd@ at Wed Oct 16 10:19:05 2013 ...
mmvhsgbobis001a Oblix: 2013/10/16@10:19:05.07618      
3716    3765    ACCESS_GATE     FATAL   0x00001824    
 "ObAccessClient.lst does not contain a client id."      raw_code^213


Message from syslogd@ at Wed Oct 16 10:46:35 2013 ...
mmvhsgbobis001a Oblix: 2013/10/16@10:46:35.09020    
 4728    4733    ACCESS_GATE     FATAL   0x00001520  
  "Exception thrown during WebGate initialization"

Message from syslogd@ at Wed Oct 16 10:46:35 2013 ...
mmvhsgbobis001a Oblix: 2013/10/16@10:46:35.09035    
 4728    4733    ACCESS_GATE     FATAL   0x0000182A  
"An internal ObError exception was caught."     raw_code^224


Solution for Above Error:
Check "ObAccessClient.xml file in 

If anything is looking inappropriate, just once more copy the artifacts from OAM_RREG_HOME/output/Agent_Name/ObAccessClient.xml  to this location.
(In My case I have registered the Agents using RREG - OAM remote Registration Tool).

If that doesn't work, you have to delete the present Agent from OAM and  re-register the Agent to create the new Artifacts (cwallet.sso and ObaccessClient.xml). Copy the new Artifacts to MW_HOME/ohs/instances/instance1/config/OHS/ohs1/webgate/config

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

ClassCastException error during OIM- Siebel Provisioning/Reconciliation

ClassCastException error during OIM-

Siebel Provisioning/Reconciliation

OIM connector for Siebel was apparently installed successfully. But, provisioning to the Siebel resource did not go through. A careful inspection of logs reveals the notorious “ClassCastException”.
Environment: OIM 11g (PS1), Siebel 8.1.1, Oracle DB, Siebel User Management Release 11.1.1, Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.6 (64 bit), WLS 10.3.5
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError cannot be cast to org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.ConnectorObject
Other variants:
This problem occurs if the required third party JARs (as noted in the connector documentation) were not successfully bundled within the connector during connector installation.
The documentation instructs one to copy siebel.jar and siebelji_enu.jar from SIEBEL_INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY/siebsrvr/CLASSES directory location and place in OIM_HOME/ConnectorDefaultDirectory/targetsystems-lib/siebel-RELEASE_NUMBER. But the downloaded third party jars size showed ridiculous 133KB (where healthy Siebel.jar ->1,295KB, SiebelJI_enu.jar -> 42KB).
1. $OIM_HOME/server/bin/
[Enter Xellerate admin username :]xelsysadm
[Enter the admin password :]
[Enter serverURL :[ t3://localhost:7001 ]]t3://localhost:14000
[Enter context Factory :[ weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory ]]
Enter the jar type
4 <——————————— Choose 4 for SiebelConnectorBundle here
Enter the full path of the download directory :

Enter the name of jar file to be downloaded from DB :
org.identityconnectors.siebel-1.0.1.jar <—————– The name of the SiebelApps bundle
Do u want to download more jars [y/n] :n
Download jar executed successfully
2. Create a new Directory and name it Siebel_Jar. Unzip the downloaded org.identityconnectors.siebel-1.0.1.jar file into Siebel_Jar and check for the four required third-party JAR files which will not be present.
Your Directory Should look like :


1. In the directory where the downloaded org.identityconnectors.siebel-1.0.1.jar was unzipped (ie. so you’re in the structure of the archive itself) create a sub-directory within this called: lib
2. Copy the Two External Jars i.e. (Siebel.jar and SiebelJI_enu.jar) required Siebel third-party JAR files into this new lib directory.
3. Move org.identityconnectors.siebel-1.0.1.jar file from this directory to another directory. Re-jar the files which now contain the third-party files in the new lib directory (the following command assumes you’re in the same directory(Siebel_Jar) where the original jar was unzipped in to and you’ve moved the original JAR file from this directory so it doesn’t end up in the new archive):
Now Your Directory should look like:
 Now Run the command below.
jar cvfm org.identityconnectors.siebel-1.0.1.jar META-INF/MANIFEST.MF *
(note the use of the existing MANIFEST.MF file as OIM will check for this)
4. Upload this new updated JAR file back into the database:
[Enter Xellerate admin username :]
[Enter Xellerate admin username :]xelsysadm
[Enter the admin password :]
[Enter serverURL :[ t3://localhost:7001 ]]t3://localhost:14000
[Enter context Factory :[ weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory ]]
Enter the jar type
4 <———————— again choose option 4 here for the SiebelConnectorBundle
Enter the path/location of jar file :
/tmp/jars/ org.identityconnectors.siebel-1.0.1.jar <—————– The name of the SiebelApps bundle
Do u want to load more jars [y/n] :n
Upload jar executed successfully
5. Restart OIM and retest provisioning and monitor logs.


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

XELSYSADM user account locked or reset the password for the XELSYSADM account in OIM 11G.

How to reset the password for the XELSYSADM account in OIM 11G.


The following workaround can be used to reset the xelsysadm password:

1. In USR table using SQL Developer, manually copy the "xeloperator's" or "Group Operator's" encrypted password to xelsysadm user's password column and commit (Use Ctl-C and Ctrl-V).

2. Then login into admin console using username: xelsysadm and password as : xeloperator

The default password for "xeloperator's" or "Group Operator's" is xeloperator

3. If Set up Security Questions Screen Appears then again reset password for xelsysadm via oim console for the password change to get propagated.

 Note: When OIM is integrated with OAM having LDAP sync, this note doenst apply there as the passwords are in the LDAP not in the OIM DB.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Web Services

                                                       Web Services helps to make simple code,  a web application which can be accessed through any language. If there is need of synchronizing a .NET Based application with an application which was build in JAVA, by using the webservices in that Java Application it can be synchronized easily. The JAVA application will expose a WSDL file  (Web Service Description Language) for exposing the code remotely to a .NET based application. The WSDL file an XML file used as communication medium between these application. So in that way any application can communicate with numerous application independent of the platform (Linux, Windows, Macintosh, Android) and languages (Java, .Net, PHP).

In Simple, Web-Services are the secured way to access remote Data without exposing the client's code or any remote code.

For e.g: If you don't have any website's username and password (like yahoo mail)- now a days you can login using FACEBOOK credentials and Facebook will ask for permissions to provide credentials to YAHOO.Here yahoo is using a web-service to access the Facebook database and Facebook is giving access to Yahoo through web service remotely without exposing any data and code to Yahoo.

There are two ends in web Services :-  
First :  The Web Service Host where the actual code and data resides. 
Second : The web Service Client where the stubs(programs) are generated using the Web Service Host's URL or XML file also known as WSDL file (Web Service Description Language).

So in my Example here Facebook will be the Web Service Host and Yahoo being the Web Service Client.

How Web Services Work:

The four major components on which web services works are :

1. SOAP  : Simple Object Access Protocol. More on this:
2. HTTP   : Hyper Text Type Protocol : More on this :
3. WSDL  : Web Service Description Language : More on this
4. UDDI    : Universal Decsription Discovery and Integration. More on this :

There are different ways to use Web - Services. The usage depends on requirements and also depends on the Hosting Server. The different types of web services are listed below

1. RestFul
2. SOAP Based

1. RestFul Web-Services:

 In the web services world, REpresentational State Transfer (REST) is a key design idiom that embraces a stateless client-server architecture in which the web services are viewed as resources and can be identified by their URLs. Web service clients that want to use these resources access a particular representation by transferring application content using a small globally defined set of remote methods that describe the action to be performed on the resource. REST is an analytical description of the existing web architecture, and thus the interplay between the style and the underlying HTTP protocol appears seamless.
The HTTP methods such as GET and POST are the verbs that the developer can use to describe the necessary create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) actions to be performed. Some may see an analogy to operations in SQL, which also relies on a few common verbs, as shown in Table 1. However, the REST style and HTTP protocol are mutually exclusive, and REST does not require HTTP.
                                          Image Courtesy : 

2. SOAP Based:

A SOAP-based design may be appropriate when
  • A formal contract must be established to describe the interface that the web service offers. The Web Services Description Language (WSDL) describes the details such as messages, operations, bindings, and location of the web service.
  • The architecture must address complex nonfunctional requirements. Many web services specifications address such requirements and establish a common vocabulary for them. Examples include Transactions, Security, Addressing, Trust, Coordination, and so on. Most real-world applications go beyond simple CRUD operations and require contextual information and conversational state to be maintained. With the RESTful approach, developers must build this plumbing into the application layer themselves.
  • The architecture needs to handle asynchronous processing and invocation. In such cases, the infrastructure provided by standards such as WSRM and APIs such as JAX-WS with their client-side asynchronous invocation support can be leveraged out of the box.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Oracle Pidgin in Android Phone using Xabber or Connect Beehive chat in Android or Use XMPP in Xabber/Jabber

Connect pidgin in Andriod, Connect Oracle Chat in Android, Connect Oracle Pidgin in Android, Configure Pidgin in Android, Pidgin, Pidgin Help, Steps to Login in Pidgin or Beehive Chat in Android, Use Pidgin in Android, Xabber, 

Steps to Connect Pidgin in Android Phone or Beehive Chat in Your Android Phone is Here

1. Download Xabber from of-course its a free app. Install it and Open.
2. Open Settings
3. Goto XMPP accounts - Manage your Accounts
4. Add Account
5. Enter User name :
    Check - Store Password
    Password           : ***********
    Server                :
    Check - Custom Host
    Host                  :   
    Port                   : 5223
    Resource           : stbeehive
    Priority               : 5
    Check -  Use SASL Authentication
    TLS/SSL Usage  : Select Legacy SSL
And Press Back Key

It will try to connect and it will definitely connect.  Be sure to use your correct Oracle User Name and Password .

Now if You want to connect any chat room here is the trick

After Login into your chat account

1. Goto Options and select More.
2. Select Join Conference.
3. Enter the Following Details
     Multi User Chat Server      :
     Conference                      : name of chat room you want to join      
     nick                                : name to be shown in chat room (normally user name)
     Password                        : ********* (Oracle's Password)
     Check - Join Conference
     Save Conference 

And you are done now.